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the □ 1 000 bank note
百万英磅  detail>>
bank note
纸币。   detail>>
convertible bank note convertible note
可兑换纸币  detail>>
bank 1
把封住 成排的 催化系统效率低于阀值 封起来 土坎  detail>>
make a long drive of 1 000 li
长驱千里  detail>>
this auditorium can hold 1 000 people
这礼堂可容纳一千人  detail>>
american bank note co
美国银行票据印刷所  detail>>
bank note (bn)
银行券  detail>>
bank note circulation
纸币流通  detail>>
bank note denominated in ecus
埃居钞票  detail>>
bank note duty
钞票发行税 兑换券发行税  detail>>
bank note handling fee
处理纸币的手续费  detail>>
bank note in circulation
流通中钞票 流通中的钞票  detail>>
bank note issued at the yearend
年终发行钞票  detail>>
bank note lawfully issued
合法发行的银行纸币  detail>>
bank note paper
钞票纸  detail>>
bank note printing machine
纸币印刷机  detail>>
bank note rate
现钞汇率  detail>>